Inspirational images for glass doughnut

Images to Inspire this glorious glass doughnut



roomba gets stuck in living room

yes, embarrassing- we got one. the white floors are gracefully attracting the outdoors in... as the house was intended- it does bring the outdoors inside, grass, mud prints from little feet etc.  So our new  clean bot started out doing well, but when I checked on it 1 hour later, it had traveled into kitchen area from living room (after leaving half of living room in disarray), and then promptly gave up on kitchen( who wouldn't?) and went straight back to cleaning the very same area of LR that it had already done. Bot had a  brawl with my laptop cord and it finally won, yanking it under the sofa. I finally picked the thing up and smacked it down in the place where I WANTED it to clean. it still made a mad dash for the area it had previously cleaned twice. I think it has a bad case of OCD and I will not be able to  rely on a  compulsive Robot to clean my  disordered floors in a  frenzy when I am expecting company within 2 hours- its still all me baby. ( I will torture it with the dustbunnies under the beds on a  regular basis) this is where the Bot shines! it does need some  sort of  happy face decal  on it soon.


atrium has cactii and rocks

oh finally some river rock and cactus, Iris for temporary experimental fun ( how much su n do they need??)  and some curly Q grass that gets curlier as it grows and it loves clay heavy poorly draining soil- now what plants can you say that you have heard can handle that!

 oh... and there IS a COPPER water pipe just 2 inches buried (original  c@ 1959 copper water lead for  spicket/ faucet in atrium) in E-11 its just below corner last 2 mistlite panels near atrium bedroom/office corner along long atrium planter run below mistlites. easy to hit with shovel, digger beware!!!